The Guitar Mongoloid

The Guitar Mongoloid Swedish Gitarrmongot is a 2004 Swedish drama film directed by Ruben stlund, about different people living outside the norms in the fictional city Jteborg, strikingly similar to reallife Gteborg. Although not a documentary, most of the people seen in the film are nonactors more or less playing themselves.

The film was highly criticized for its offensive title by the Mongolian people and the international Down Syndrome community. Mongolian communities worldwide protested the film and asked the director change the film title and asked the movie theaters in the US and Canada to read out the following statement to the audience before each screening The term mongoloid, referring to people with Down syndrome, was dropped by the World Health Organization in 1965 because it was and still is considered to be offensive to those of Mongol ethnicity.Dr. John Langdon Down, who discovered Downs syndrome in the 1860s, used mongolism and mongoloid to describe the syndrome as he stated that there were similar physical characteristics of people with Downs syndrome to people from Mongolia and Mongoloid race those of Asian ethnicity. This phrase was used until the 1960s, when scientists petitioned to use Downs syndrome instead of Mongolism or Mongoloid. ........

Source: Wikipedia